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Why Are We Montessorian?

Written by Christian A. Dickinson & Morgan Champion-Dickinson
Updated January 2023


Montessorian (adjective) Mon·​tes·​so·​ri·​an ¦mäntə¦sōrēən

: of, following, or relating to a system for training young children emphasizing free physical activity, informal and individual instruction, early development of writing and reading, and extended sensory motor training


The Montessori Method is based on allowing children the freedom to choose their interest and spend as much time on an activity as they want.  Not only does this promote independence in our little ones, it gives them an opportunity to fully explore a concept, understand it completely, and feel the confidence of mastering a skill.  Providing an environment where children learn at their own pace and focus on interest-based topics reinforce a love of learning. 

One of the hallmark traits of a Montessori classroom is grouping of children in an age range.  For example, a Montessori 3-5 classroom provides a way for a 5 year old student to mentor and teach a three or four year old.  It allows a three year old to see advanced skills a five year old is working on in their same class.  These symbiotic relationships have numerous benefits that support skill-building, confidence, and camaraderie of Montessori classrooms.

A core outcome of the Montessori method is teaching students inquiry-based learning vs. rote memorization. This “how” and “why” conceptual approach coupled with independent learning has been instrumental in building the foundations of Montessori students. 

The Montessori Method of teaching is not based on memorizing concepts which opens the opportunity to fully understand a concept. This conceptual way of looking at things can then be applied as students look at themselves and their world.  Montessori education builds thinkers, leaders and entrepreneurs who rise to the top because they have been taught to learn by practice, through making mistakes and by learning with the help of other students in their age range.

The Montessori focus on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (S.T.E.A.M) differs from most public or traditional private schools. The high stakes student testing has diverted money to fully fund art, music, drama and dance programs in public schools. 

Research has shown that students who attend Montessori schools foster higher levels of executive functioning skills like self-discipline, autonomy over learning, deep focus, critical reasoning and problem solving.

Here are a few highly successful famous people who attended Montessori schools:

  • Jeff Bezos
  • Larry Page and Sergey Brin
  • Peter Drucker
  • Katherine Graham
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Joshua Bell
  • George Clooney
  • Beyonce Knowles
  • Yo-Yo Ma
  • Taylor Swift
  • Dakota Fanning
  • John and Joan Cusack

Montessori Method vs. Traditional Education

Spend five minutes understanding why the Montessori method organically fuels curiosity with student-directed learning.

You Might Be A Montessorian | Katy Wright | TEDx

Montessori Books We Recommend

If we wrote a book about the Montessori Method, it would encompass all the books we recommend below.